Proviron is an oral medication to combat the aromatization of anabolic steroids into estrogens. It is composed of Mesterolone, a powerful substance that blocks the transformation of steroids into estrogens.
Proviron fights against both gynecomastia and water retention and helps to dry out the muscles and give a dry physique. However, Mesterolone slightly decreases the effectiveness of steroids which is why a minimal dose is used just to be effective.
Combined with Nolvadex, Proviron is formidable: the former prevents estrogen from acting while the latter blocks the aromatization of anabolic products. These 2 protective products combined offer a better efficiency together than separately.
Bodybuilders usually use Proviron at dosages of 25mg/day or 1 tablet per day, and no more than 50mg.
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